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what happened?
#601942 12/14/2021 10:19 AM
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Wow, this place is echoing hallways, dust and cobwebs!

The impending winter has forced me off the road for a while and once I get though the home improvement projects, there are some (exciting!) bike projects that I have in mind.

1 - After spending way to much time fiddling with the 45mm HSR's on the old sm and getting them in the 'pull your arms off' acceleration sweet spot. It is time to gin up a top triple clamp with rubber mount handlebar isolators to make the lack of balancing shafts in the motor more friendly.

2 - Do something about the slow leak in the rear tire of the t-bird. I have had rotten luck with picking up nails and that bike the last couple years. It pains me to have a tire with good treads and no air!

3 - Put a bigger gas tank on the scrambler, what a fun bike, but a 3 gallon tank! Really!

any projects from the northern hemisphere contingent? any riding stories from the southern?

05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter
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Re: what happened?
mag10 #601943 12/14/2021 11:43 AM
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I want to find where I stored my 2nd Fiamm horn & install it, with a relay. LED headlamp & passing lamps are also awaiting install, along with a flush mount gas cap that's been in storage since about 2009 laugh

In 2022, though, I mostly just want to ride more & enjoy my SM!

Re: what happened?
mag10 #601944 12/14/2021 1:08 PM
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Today is a nice December day to take the TBA for a spin to spend the gas that's in the tank. I'll replace it with fresh ethenol free with fuel treatment. After another short ride, I'll shuffle parking spots for winter.

The Janus Halcyon goes to a display platform I just built in the dining room. The America goes to the display area in the breezeway. The Tiger stays available for winter duty.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #601945 12/14/2021 1:36 PM
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I just got my russell day long seat back from russell (i ordered in august and got a november manufacture date - took about 2 weeks once they had the seat). I had one on my former ctx1300 (honda) and it was, hands down, the most comfortable seat I've ever had. It's priced that way too..... I took my first ride with it last sunday and it was quite comfy. but the ride wasn't long enough to really evaluate. hopefully this weekend we'll have some decent weather and I can really see how it feels.

(I'm in virginia - so, I get winter - but not new york/new england winter like I grew up with).

I'm hoping to receive a tach soon (or an email saying it's not available....) which I'll install in the console over the winter. other than that, just looking for chances to ride.'re gonna feel a little pressure....
Re: what happened?
mag10 #601950 12/16/2021 4:30 PM
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The only project I have is to head south to Florida in a few weeks towing the Rocket. Got down to the Cape Coral area 2 winters ago. Last winter we were in lockdown so no trips. This winter looks somewhat promising and the better half and I are going to try and take advantage of the relaxed border measures in effect. Double vaxed and topped up with our boosters... hope things go well. Looking forward to riding some of the Gulf side roads north of Tampa. Bringing some tools with me because you never know what one might find in terms of accessories for the ride. One of these days, I've got to get another early America. The fellow I sold mine too hasn't put many miles on it. Hmmm....

Oh yah, Mag10, does removing the balance shafts add much to the power curve on the 790/865 engines?

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Re: what happened?
Gregger #601952 12/16/2021 5:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Gregger
Oh yah, Mag10, does removing the balance shafts add much to the power curve on the 790/865 engines?

just removing the balancing shafts is probably not a good idea, you would need to balance the crankshaft as well. Gains on a stock motor be would minimal. Plus a lot of work to do, the cases have to be split to get at the balancing shafts.

Last edited by mag10; 12/16/2021 5:26 PM.

05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter
Re: what happened?
mag10 #601973 12/22/2021 9:58 PM
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Shopping for a new colour for the 2015 Speedmaster Thought about doing it this winter but once the snow and ice hit as they have, getting into the shed is too difficult and too cold to work.

Gregger enjoy yourself in the sunny south, mask up and ride. Better then sledding in the Porcupine at this time of year well at least warmer. It will be a skiing winter here again this year.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #601974 12/23/2021 7:56 AM
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Has been mild here for the most part. Few cold days but not many. No snow or ice yet except some frozen puddles and frost. Some lakes just a thin layer of ice and not over the whole thing yet. With fuel prices I'm glad.

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Re: what happened?
mag10 #602074 02/26/2022 9:37 PM
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Got down to Florida Dec 29, 2021 after spending Christmas with my son in Ottawa. Still here. Have had a lot of fun riding the Roadster on some of the 2 lane roads close to the Gulf coast. Weather has been a lot better here than what you guys have received in Canada, especially in Northern Ontario. Covid restrictions are a lot easier here than up north. My wife and I have still masked up when entering most stores and we have pretty well refrained from going to restaurants other than take out. Hopefully this will disappear soon.

On the way down I had quite the problem. I towed the Rocket in a small aluminum 5x8 covered trailer with a 3 month old 2021 Buick Envision equipped with an electronic shift. I said I would never purchase a vehicle with this kind of transmission control, preferring the old mechanical linkage shift mechanism. Well my fears came to fruition. When we were about 2 miles from our destination at a light, the unit just stopped moving, dropping into park just before I came to a stop. The door locks cycled off and on then the dash was telling me the unit couldn't be shifted out of park because the shift parameters weren't being met. I ended up shutting the engine off and on several times before it would engage but then it would drop into park every time I came to a stop, forcing me to play with the shift controls for several minutes before getting it going again. Needless to say, it was very frustrating especially towing a trailer, on a multi lane road with horns blaring. Managed to get to the destination, unhook the trailer, load the car onto a wrecker (Lucky he could winch it onto the bed) and get the vehicle towed to a GM dealer within walking distance of our rental property. The dealership couldn't supply me with a loaner vehicle for 2 days. It took them 13 days to track down the problem to the transmission shift control module. Then they had problems with a broken bolt while replacing the module along with problems programming the module to work properly. It has been running fine since I got it back early Jan. Now I don't trust it. I'm just glad it didn't quit in the middle of nowhere. Apart from the rant, we have really enjoyed our stay here in the US. I've seen 3 other Rockets but no Speedys or Americas.

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Re: what happened?
Gregger #602075 02/27/2022 7:55 AM
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My last three new vehicles all had electric issues. Between shorts or bad sensors left me stranded, had to "limp" home or call the fire dept. This government is pushing electric vehicles!!!???

Gregger, when the warranty is up, SELL

'04' Black America
Re: what happened?
mag10 #602076 02/27/2022 8:15 AM
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While I see the benefits of technological advancement in vehicles, I wont own a late model vehicle because if it. It even annoys me when the doors lock automatically. Working at a Gm dealer for many years I can tell you 80 percent of what I see come in was electrical in nature. Always some "convenience" that doesnt work correctly.
Line pressure shift worked fine for many, many years but now we involve a computer in even the basic shift mechanism itself. We have done away with mechanical door locks and ignition swithes...manual controls are a thing of the past so whether or not you get to leave a red light or parking lot is decided by one of up to 6 computers and many relays and switches and there is no "manual override" option to be had. Dead battery? call a tow truck, you cant even open the door.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602077 02/27/2022 10:36 AM
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While I agree electrical issues can be a pain, you can open a door.

A contractor friend bought a new work van last Spring. It was finally delivered in the Fall. It has an electrical/computer problem that can't be fixed due to supply chain issues. It still sits in his driveway while he drives the old rusty one.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602089 03/04/2022 2:48 PM
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Gregger glad to hear that you have been enjoying the balmy south while the rest of us up here in Ontario have been enduring the cold, freezing rain and snow. -19 yesterday when I woke up and rising to 12 tomorrow with rain. Going to a warmer climate next year for much of the winter whether we trailer the bike or just fly to somehwere closer to the equator.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602090 03/04/2022 3:10 PM
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Couldn't agree more, Chy.
The "conveniences" and "safety features" are more an annoyance and do little but drive the already outrageous prices higher.

The ride may be fun, but in the Great Scheme of things, it really is about the destination! John 3:16
Re: what happened?
mag10 #602091 03/04/2022 7:53 PM
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There are so many things needlessly run through the computer such as the heat controls. Those damned electric parking/ EMERGENCY brakes are the ultimate in stupid. Those should always be mechanical, what if you have an electrical failure and need to stop! OOps, sorry, no mechanical brake, enjoy the ride!! Then in the case of no start need a tow or after a minor wreck the damn thing can't be shut off and either stays on or applies itself when I try and move it. Same with the electric gear shift, it shifts itself into park when I want it to roll. This stuff causes me to have to drag them possibly causing more damage. I'm good at what I do so I don't damage stuff but it can't be good for the drive train.I always wanted standard shift , roll up windows, and rubber floor mat, you have to pay extra for that now!!You used to be able to swap around transmissions and engines with ease not anymore, the computers are different now. I recently wanted to swap a 4L80E for a 4L60E, I was told I can't do it because the connections are different and the computer is different. I already knew the flywheel was different.

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Re: what happened?
mag10 #602092 03/06/2022 8:59 AM
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All for the glory of doo dads. "My phone won't interface with the bluetooth in my car!" Maybe you should just pull over to use your phone.

I got in a Cadillac one day to pull it in for front end alignment . Now i am 6feet plus and 200 plus pounds but the key remote I had was obviously "hers", yes it had his and hers remotes that adjusts the steering wheel, seat and pedals to their preferences but only after closing the door. So I use the remote to unlock it and get in to pull it inside when upon shutting the door, the seat starts moving forward, the steering column moves down to a pre ordained setting... For a 5 foot tall woman. Assesing what was going on i quickly opened the door just as the plastic dash started popping and cracking as my knees were forced into the instrument panel and the steering column was crushing my legs, Kinda freaked me out at the time because I wasn't expecting it. I had to drive it in the shop the door ajar so I could fit in it.

After years dealing with the crap that they put on cars that has nothing to do with it moving safely and dependably down the highway, the things that appealed to me when I bought the Mustang off our used car lot were simplicity.

No " oil change " light. Which usually lies and makes you come in too early and if they are going to use them, at least reset them all the same way.
No "upshift"light. If you can't figure out when to shift your manual transmission car, you really need an automatic
No " low air pressure "light. Cmon man, give me a break. Check your dang tires, this aint rocket science.
No " all lights on with ignition" Yep, every light on the car comes on when you turn on the ignition switch ?of a late model GM vehicle..Or button depending on your car, and stay on for minutes after you shut it down. No wonder the battery needs replaced every couple of years. I could see the head lights maybe, but all of them? Mine has a headlight switch.. Cool button that turns them on and off at will.
Bottom line? Train the driver to drive the car and let the car be what most people require out of a vehicle.. A method of transportation from point a to point b. Dont spend thousands of dollars making it idiot resistant (because nothing is idiot proof) natural selection will take care of the rest.
Rant over...

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602094 03/06/2022 2:03 PM
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I hear ya, my pick up even has the dimmer switch on the floor! LOL

I think making vehicles idiot proof is a mistake. As a tow truck driver I see it all the time, people crash because they are too stupid to drive. It's even worse with the big trucks, auto transmissions should not be in big trucks, the driver should know how to shift a 2 speed transmission or rear and everything that goes with that.I also know that preset seating position issue. I am not as tall as you but I am 5'9' and about 220.

Last edited by The_Dog33; 03/06/2022 2:04 PM.

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Re: what happened?
The_Dog33 #602095 03/06/2022 3:06 PM
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I don't want my vehicle talking to me or making my decisions for me.
I rode in the back seat of a late model Volvo something or other (huge mistake) with my yankee (no offense intended) BIL and my nerves will never be the same. The thing looked like an airplane cockpit so he sets the cruise at 55 for a mountain road and here we go. It has automatic braking and "yaw" control so we carreen into this 25 mile an hour curve at 55 then the computer slams on the brakes and nose dives the car through the curve then accelerates like Mario Andretti heading into another corner. After 20 minutes of this I have a death grip on the oh oh handle and my seat belt and my nice buzz (the reason for letting someone else drive) has long since been replaced by feeling of impending doom just wishing this roller coaster ride is over.

Last edited by chy; 03/06/2022 3:08 PM.
Re: what happened?
mag10 #602096 03/06/2022 6:06 PM
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You have no idea how many cars I pull out of ditches, or roll back over , or pull off of trees that have those features and the driver keeps telling me how the car didn't work right because it was supposed to brake, or adjust yaw (not the word they usually use). Bottom line is they expected the car to do the things they should have been doing. Another one I hear all the time is when I go to unlock a car for someone who locked the keys in the car. I am not supposed to be able to lock the keys in the car.

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Re: what happened?
The_Dog33 #602097 03/06/2022 9:01 PM
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Originally Posted by The_Dog33
Another one I hear all the time is when I go to unlock a car for someone who locked the keys in the car. I am not supposed to be able to lock the keys in the car.
As I say, not idiot proof just idiot resistant. These are the people who are traveling 70 mph 25 feet from your every corner when youre driving on the slab... while they are texting. I truly believe that the biggest problem with cars now adays is they make you feel too safe. You think youre in this quiet little protective shell and 70 mph feels like nothing but its way too fast for your average person to react to an emergency. You dont hear and feel the road anymore so it all seems like a video game.
Riding a bike, you see and feel the road passing beneath you so you are acutely aware that your world is moving and you really need to pay attention to whats happening. Old cars were the same way, 60 mph in a model A was insane.
Daaaaaaaang, on a roll today ain't I?

Last edited by chy; 03/06/2022 9:02 PM.
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Re: what happened?
mag10 #602098 03/08/2022 12:50 PM
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And you get to smell the blossoms on the trees and the grasses and good old farmer John spreading the manure. It makes you feel and keeps you alive. On the other hand I love that electric heated seat in my Mazda cx5 up here north of the border. ;-)

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602099 03/09/2022 4:21 PM
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I find that when I have been riding (only riding) for a long enough time, that when I get into an enclosed vehicle, (car/truck) that I have almost no sensation of movement or speed. I assume that this is due to the absence of wind pressure. But I really have to watch speeding, it is way too easy to get going too fast until I get used to being in a car again.

and yes, the solution to this is obvious

05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter
Re: what happened?
mag10 #602101 03/10/2022 2:12 PM
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Just did a fatality last night where the cab post and mirror landed on the guys head. We had to lift the truck off of him. Automatic truck, young guy that shouldn't have been driving that truck in bad weather. Seat belt latched behind him.Had he been wearing his seat belt he would be alive today. Full disclaimer, I drive the same truck except a rollback and I don't wear my belt most of the time.

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Re: what happened?
mag10 #602127 04/02/2022 8:24 AM
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Fellows, I have a confession. I'm one of those guys that usually waves to oncoming riders, (even Harleys). The problem is I even do it while driving my car. My wife looks at me and.... Anyone else carry those riding habits from the bike to the cage???

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Re: what happened?
Gregger #602129 04/02/2022 12:45 PM
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Re: what happened?
mag10 #602130 04/02/2022 12:49 PM
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I don't wave at anyone unless I know them. I carry my alertness from the bike to everything else.I look extra at intersections, I am ready on the brake when approaching any intersection if I don't have a stop, I watch for deer, and am always ready for a car when passing a driveway or parking lot. I watch stopped cars coming out of anywhere very closely ready to stop.

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Re: what happened?
Gregger #602133 04/07/2022 6:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Gregger
Fellows, I have a confession. I'm one of those guys that usually waves to oncoming riders, (even Harleys). The problem is I even do it while driving my car. My wife looks at me and.... Anyone else carry those riding habits from the bike to the cage???
Broke a middle finger doing that with the window up....kidding but have been tempted. It is a very normal thing to salute others on the road here in Ontario as Gregger mentioned however I find if going the same direction riders dont seem to be that friendly in a group or individually.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602170 04/21/2022 6:31 PM
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I don't initiate a wave but reciprocate if i can do it safely. I am a car nut so I am always waving (or giving a thumbs up) at cool looking cars... Especially Mustangs cause hey, we have got to stick together.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602203 05/13/2022 8:45 AM
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When I opened the forum just now it showed 13 people looking at the Lounge. Makes me think of the line from the John Prine song Make me and Angel "go to work in the morning come home in the evening and have nothing to say"

Re: what happened?
SMJoe #602208 05/13/2022 9:38 PM
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Originally Posted by SMJoe
Makes me think of the line from the John Prine song Make me and Angel "go to work in the morning come home in the evening and have nothing to say"
Mr Prine did have a flair for telling a story.

Re: what happened?
mag10 #602219 05/19/2022 10:33 PM
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I was just reading this post from Friar John kind of goes along with my previous post.


Last edited by SMJoe; 05/19/2022 10:34 PM.

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