storm info
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all you folks on the northeast coast that are in line for a storm hit, that are on wells, you might want to fill your bathtub with water while you have power. if you wait and something happens that you are without power, you wont have your pump but if you have a tub full of water you can at least flush. brown?? flush it down, yellow no need to fellow. with a bucket and a tub full of water, if you are conservetive you will be able to flush for a week or more. also the hot water heater is full of water that you can access out the valve on the bottom. keep your fridge closed and it will hold foods for a day or so and if you can freeze as many gallons as you can and then put some in the fridge and have them also for drinking. being someone that has been thru it a couple times i thought i might be able to pass on a little info to some that never have. a pump with no power= no water=no flush=yuk!!!!!! also make sure your grill is ready to go, you can always cook on the grill if need be. good luck, i hope that no one is affected and that this thing finds its way out to sea instead of land. i know what these things can do i have been thru it and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
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 Thanks, As long as the beer store has beer, I'll be all set. 
'04' Black America
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Given my tree I posted about in another thread I may do the frozen gallon jug idea. I have a couple hundred empty gallon jugs I used to haul water in and a freezer that is mostly empty in my basement. I have cooked on top of my kerosene heaters in winter when power was out.
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Fill the gas tank in your car, charge your cell phones and stock up on cash. If you don't smoke, buy some matches or a Bic lighter. Empty your outdoor trash cans and leave the lids off to catch rainwater. If you've got a small boat outside, fill it with water. If you can't fit it in the garage, toss your lawn furniture into the pool. Don't make the same mistake I did once... I had plenty of canned food, but didn't have a manual can opener!  If you're prepared, hurricanes can be fun (Cat 3 or less anyway).
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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I sat through Frances and Jean in 2005 in Delray Beach. I didn't have a bit of fun lol
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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In 1999 we were in Richmond for Hurricane Floyd. Businesses were closed, but the bars were open. That's what I call "the perfect storm".  Be safe everyone. 
Kevin - Luceo Non Uro
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Good tips Newt. Hadn't thought of the bathtub. The cone is predicted to pass right over us. Winds will be down to around 70 or 75 MPH by then (early Sunday), so we should be pretty good as compared to 120 MPH. Daughter is in Charleston, SC, so we're concerned about her. Looks like they may get just missed for the worst (we hope.) Got my Coleman lantern, bottled gas camp cooking burner and grill all set. Got some books. Need to lay in some other stuff. Sandwich & soup stuff, big cooler full of ice maybe. Gotta get the baby squared away first & foremost.
With the power companies retiring their long term workers, it's often the case that minimal crews are available. Multi day outages are becoming the norm while crews from x hundred miles away get to the storm sites.
Milk and bread... Milk & bread... Why not Beer & Triscuits?
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Second Wind
Second Wind
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Rita and Ike hit us hard here. So I can Empathize with ya. I always send my wife and kids t stay with family, while I turn in to a cave man
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
Edgar Allan Poe
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Man! I gotta say you East Coast dudes can be real Downers sometimes, man! I mean first you dudes get like all bent outta shape because of some little bitty earthquake, and now THIS?! Dudes, I say look on the bright side here, why dontcha?! COWABUNGA!!! SURF'S UP!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h70ElpTQejc(...all kiddin' aside, I hope you folks back there get through this okay!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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MANUAL CAN OPENER!!!! oh yea, forgot that  such a very important item. almost everyone is opening cans with elec these days and without power you are S.O.L.  here i sit with all kinds of canned goods and cant get into them easily  i mean sure you can grab a knife and get in if you have to but an opener sure makes life better. and yes, when i lived with a well system i used to fill my 12ft johnboat with water too, forgot about that, not only does it give you water for flush but it will keep the boat from flying away...good reminder!!! but now they are saying that this thing isnt going to be as bad as they once thought, 75mph with gust to 120 or so?? most will be ok but the main thing will be power outages so be prepared for that and dont leave anything out that can blow away because if it can...it will and it probably will be in you or your neighbors house and lawn ornaments belong in the lawn not in your neighbors living room 
ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
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Should be Riding
Should be Riding
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Whew. We dodged a bullet here for sure. Riding home from work yesterday was like riding in Kansas, sort of because although it was windy the wind was not as strong as the winds of Kansas! This morning some minor bands dumped some rain, but nothing to get the rain suit out for. The leading edge of my draggin jeans got wet from road spray...a welcome relief from the heat! Last night the side yard light kept coming on (motion sensor) but being as I didn't get outside after 10pm, I didn't experience any of the weather. Hurricane preparations? I did stab a 2x4 across the side yard double gate to keep them from blowing in. Had a couple snorts of bourbon too. 
Blowing gravel off rural roads
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Three foot of slop here in N Florida. 
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I know a few guys that are going to try surfing tomorrow(Sat.) the storm is suppose to hit Sun. 
'04' Black America
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Today I put11 gallons of water in the freezer to freeze and keep stuff cold in the fridge if I lose power. I have about 15 gallons of water to drink in addition to the frozen stuff. I also filled up 3 containers with water to flush the toilet about 20 gallons.I should put in a hand pump, my well is only about 100'.
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Following the blizzard of '93 my wife was chatting with a friend on the phone. Said friend and her husband are heavily into the 'Harley Culture' and tool around on their 4000lb FLBFD. Having lost power, her friend lamented that all the food in her refrigerator and freezer was beginning to spoil. I overheard my wife ask her if she had noticed that there were three feet of snow outside.
Time to thin the herd.
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ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
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The storm seems to be petering out, but still going to be windy and up 10" of rain, I hope the maple trees near my house can hang on to their branches. Not having power will be like camping out! 
'04' Black America
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Maybe it's just me, but the talking heads on TV seem to be creating a major hurricane out of what will soon be a tropical storm. Flooding will still be an issue. http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/?l...p;ft=0&sl=0
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Monkey Butt
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A 40' Oak weighs just around 20 tons. If it falls on the house you can lose everything you own with the rain bands behind it. They can cut a house in 1/2.
There is an old saying in the insurance business. Its not if the wind blows but what it blows on. The trees will take a lot of houses with them. They will do what the diminished winds did not.
I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Wow Ron!  (...gotta say that that certainly sounds a lot worse than those grumpy ol' talking apple trees in "The Wizard of Oz', who would just as soon chuck one of their apples at ya than look at ya!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I have pines in front of my house that are over 100' tall that scare the crap outa me right now. At least we are only supposed to get 40mph winds and I have had that many times. I think here the flooding will be the problem.(not my house except maybe my basement if I lose power.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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Monkey Butt
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5 dead folks so far. 3 known killed by trees I think. I could be wrong on that.
I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
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Fe Butt
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I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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I hope you guys (and your families) all ride it out without damage or injury. That's one big storm. 
Cheers, Richard ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09 America, Staintune Pipes, K&N, Breathe, Hagon Nitros, AI & O2 removed, tune 20184 (modified), MTX-L a/f gauge
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I know things are different back in the Americas, but Irene is a Cat 1 hurricane, right?
Over here, with a Cat 1 hurricane (called typhoons here) we basically make sure we closed the windows!
Our houses (as mine is) are usually made of reinforced concrete, so to absorb the energy of a hurricane, or an earthquake (which we frequently get 4.0+ also)
So, when you all tremble in your wooden frame houses with the coming of a Cat 1 hurricane (and I wish you all the best of luck going through that, I sincerely don't want to sound like an A$$), I will have closed all my windows in the coming of a Cat 3 hurricane called NANMADOL tomorrow.
Cat 3 will be interesting, but a Cat 5 is just plain scary. I had the "pleasure" of experiencing a Cat 5 hurricane here a couple of years ago. Not fun, at all. Even in a concrete house. We lost a lot of trees that time. Whole forest just got leveled.
So, the best of luck to you all on the east coast! Have a thought for us in Asia too, we are far, but we are present and strong!
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Well so far all I have really gotten was a lot of rain, my basement has water in it even with the sump pump running. Wind I have calm periods with light gusts. No real sustained winds. Looks like the worst winds are past too judging from the radar.I could be wrong, I am thankful it wasn't any worse. We have a flood warning until 3:38 PM. Should stop raining sometime around noon or so. Streams will flood they are not sure about the river yet. I am personally safe flood wise except my basement. Got almost 5" of rain here so far.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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"Lighten up, Francis."
"Lighten up, Francis."
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I sincerely don't want to sound like an A$$

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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Lot of people all around me have no power and traffic lights not working here and there. Flooding in places,passed a big tree down on the power lines about 1/2 mile from my house that had been cut back to the wires so traffic could get by. (small back road so not much traffic)I have power and cable and phone so far so I am among the lucky if it holds out. That tree that was struck by lightning didn't come down!
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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I thought this was about the Thunderbird Storm...
04 Caspian Blue and Silver America
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Wasn't much more than a wind storm, lost power for ~ 30 hours. The house I wasn't worried about, it's the 75 to 100 year old trees around. Lost a few branches on the Maples but my walnut tree (I have to read up about what's going on about nuts)up rooted and fell over.
'04' Black America
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Talk about lucky. My son and daughter moved their boat from a marina in Washington NC to a marina in New Bern NC. The new one didn't receive much damage the old one was destroyed.
'06 TBA - Black, AI and Snorkel removed, K&N Drop In, Gutted Stock Pipes, 145/42, 2 turns out.
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I know things are different back in the Americas, but Irene is a Cat 1 hurricane, right?
Over here, with a Cat 1 hurricane (called typhoons here) we basically make sure we closed the windows!
Our houses (as mine is) are usually made of reinforced concrete, so to absorb the energy of a hurricane, or an earthquake (which we frequently get 4.0+ also)
So, when you all tremble in your wooden frame houses with the coming of a Cat 1 hurricane (and I wish you all the best of luck going through that, I sincerely don't want to sound like an A$$), I will have closed all my windows in the coming of a Cat 3 hurricane called NANMADOL tomorrow.
Cat 3 will be interesting, but a Cat 5 is just plain scary. I had the "pleasure" of experiencing a Cat 5 hurricane here a couple of years ago. Not fun, at all. Even in a concrete house. We lost a lot of trees that time. Whole forest just got leveled.
So, the best of luck to you all on the east coast! Have a thought for us in Asia too, we are far, but we are present and strong!
I'll be thinking of you, 
'04' Black America
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I survived the rain storm, I was only worrying about a tree commimg down on the garage and crushing the bike.I put it between the car a truck figuring they keep the roof off the bike if the tre came down. I have an important trip to make on the 8th. The news always trys to make it seem worse than it is.
2009 america
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Vermont got hammered 150 miles inland. Storm category was "Tropical Storm" for them.  Bennington http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sP88s2WDyA&feature=player_embeddedBennington Route 7 south of Rutland Route 4 between Rutland & Killington Route 4 near Killington
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New Tires
New Tires
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Vermont got hammered 150 miles inland. Storm category was "Tropical Storm" for them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sP88s2WDyA&feature=player_embedded Bennington
Route 7 south of Rutland
Route 4 between Rutland & Killington
Route 4 near Killington
I reality Irene was not a Hurricane by the time it hit NC and started up the east coast. It never sustained winds of 74 mph or more, the definition of a hurricane. But it was one hellish tropical storm. I hope the folks' lives get back to normal as soon as possible. 
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
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I'll be thinking of you,
Thanks Steven.
Ours just curved at the last moment and the eye missed us by a hundred kms or so. All fine, except for some flooding here and there.
Looking at the pics from Vermont at the moment, and I can't believe it! So much damage... roads collapsed, bridges fell down, etc...
I mean, I see this all the time here, but didn't remember that back home it happened like this.
I guess it's from construction standards. If I remember well, most stuff is built to withstand the worst in the last 100 years. So this Irene most have been the worst that the East of North America has seen in a 100 years!
Here, we get hurricanes force 3 regularly, so building code is more strict.
Still.... you can't beat mother nature when she is unleashed... We've seen entire villages side swiped in mud flows a couple of years ago. Thousands of lives lost.
I wish all of you and your precious ones be well, buildings can be rebuilt, but lives never come back....
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At first I thought "Vermont?" Since when are hurricanes a problem in Vermont? Vermont had 13" of rain in under 24 hours. According to the radio news, that much rain in that little time, combined with the slopes of the Green Mountains to push the water downhill was the problem. It's one hill after another near Killington, and Bennington is downstream from there. Apparently northern Vermont was hammered as well. I can't say for sure, but the pictured US route 7, which spans three states and was intended in the late 1950s to become a true interstate highway, appears to be built to Interstate highway spec, and if so, would be built so as to handle the weight of tight formation military convoys, per decree of General & President Eisenhower. A number of Vermont towns are still (Wednesday) cut off from all road traffic, and are getting supplies airlifted in by The National Guard. `````````````````````````` This just in: I just called http://www.curtisbbqvt.com/All is well there. Phew! A trip up 91 wouldn't be the same without 'em. We're talkin' real BBQ, not white boy Applebees' BBQ.
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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Every time I start to type I bite my tongue.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with our construction standards for homes or highways. This area got about a foot of rain just before it got another foot of rain. 150 year old covered bridges are washing downstream.
It is a 100 year storm and was predicted to be a 100 year record for NY city. It missed NY cities record by 8 miles and 3 miles per hour winds.
You can rebuild roads and houses. You can't rebuild the heirlooms, pictures, favorite chair, etc. The memories. A persons life is the some total of all experiences.
This, like other storms is a true tragedy. The loss of life and loss of items of intrinsic value is horrible.
Wishing all of you well, It is almost over now but not quite. Good luck in the recovery efforts.
I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.