Just a rant against the Dental Profession. If you have a toothache, and want a tooth pulled, where do ya go? Seems obvious, huh. Well, the odds are pretty good that a DENTIST is not gonna pull it! Guess what, dentists don't pull teeth anymore! Got this toothache last week. Called every dentist in the book. Finally got an appointment to see one today, a week later. He looked at it, said, "nope, I don't pull tricky ones like that", and made me an appointment with an "oral surgeon" NEXT WEEK, ON WEDNESDAY! Now, I'm pretty sure many on here know how much a toothache hurts. And it's now gonna be TWO WEEKS for anybody to do anything about it. I'm swallowing aspirin and tylenol by the handfulls every day! Hard to friggin believe, ya can't get a tooth pulled in America these days. And so what do all my local dentists DO for a living? Clean teeth, apply coatings, fill in a few holes. It's just like MY line of work. The younger generation only wants to build NEW, expensive construction, nobody wants to do a small remodel job. JESUS, MY FACE HURTS!!!(Only ANOTHER six more days to wait!
