Originally Posted by roadie
When I ride, my knees are giving me problems. They've been going down hill for the last couple years. I've been nursing them along, I wear a brace when needed, and yet riding seems to annoy them. I suspect my trouble involves the feet forward riding position.

I'm an old guy - going on 72. Bought my first scoot in '69, first trumpy in '70. Not having any other ride related problems - reaction time, balance, etc., I have no desire to give it up. I know someday I'll have to, but...

I wonder if it would help to go back to the original foot pegs. Or get a bike with center pegs like a bonnie. Anybody have any experience with knee issues other than surgery or quitting? Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

You might try boards on your current ride, as boards enable you to move your feet around a bit. I have a prior injury that tends to make me very sensitive to foot positioning. That said, a "standard" Bonnie is pretty comfortable for me.