I went to take my 04 SM out for a ride a couple weeks ago and had a misfire on the right cyl., opened bowl drains, plenty of gas. Pulled the pods, seems to be drawing plenty of fuel. Hand over back of carb, plenty of vacuum. Compression test, tests fine. Swapped ignition wires from one side to the other same side still misfires so thought I had it and just installed a firestarter, no change. Pulled carbs and disassembled and all seems clear and unchanged. Slide rises when engine is running. Pulled hidden filter just to have a look and it was clean as new. All vents are clear. I do seem to be getting spark on both sides when I pull the plugs and ground them. Squirrel condoms seem fine as do the intake rubbers. (sprayed carb clean when running, no change) Exhaust is also clear. I am considering the pick up coil but would that only effect one side? Left side fires as it should. Right is in and out and worse if I open the throttle, that lead to the carb work but don't see anything.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!