Have been wrenching and riding motorcycles for over 30 years now. Also been taking photos since I was a kid. So mix the two together, throw in to this that I have been a graphic designer in the PC game industry and I think I can be creative at times.

Hope you like my work and would buy some. :-)



My Store:

An example of some of my designs.....

WnRn - MoreTrumpy Tee http://www.redbubble.com/people/wrenchnriden/works/11880154-wnrn-moretrumpy

Kool Wrench'N Ride'N On Any Day t-shirt http://www.redbubble.com/people/wrenchnriden/works/10080486-kool-wrenchn-riden-on-any-day-t-shirt

ride any day here at Wrench’N Ride’N. So should you.

We have joined forces with Jan of www.redbubble.com/people/jansimpressions/shop and www.facebook.com/AffectiveImpressions and http://jansimpressions.weebly.com/, who drew McQueen to bring you this kool t-shirt.

Used with her permission.

WnRn - White Black Cafe Skull http://www.redbubble.com/people/wrenchnriden/works/11884613-wnrn-white-black-cafe-skull

W'nR'n "Bulldog" t-shirt. http://www.redbubble.com/people/wrenchnriden/works/10138185-wnrn-bulldog-t-shirt

kool Wrench'N Ride'N race ya t-shirt http://www.redbubble.com/people/wrenchnriden/works/10080262-kool-wrenchn-riden-race-ya-t-shirt

The tees are Haines brand.

Plus lots more......

Last edited by WnRn; 04/30/2014 6:44 AM.

My W'nR'n blog....http://rossmz.blogspot.com/ The chief enemy of creativity is common sense (Pablo Picasso)