
I don't know if that's actually true or not Phil, but that reminds me of the off-duty cop who was killed last year in Phoenix while riding his Harley Electra Glide without a helmet

Yes, we also had a local police chief who just recently hit a left turner while in Florida at a rolling thunder meet who died of head injuries in a Florida hospital. Same story - no helmet and a Harley that didn't look that bad. We also had Arkansas Coach Petrino who didn't die when he drove his Harley into a ditch, but his career sure died a quick death. Don't know if a helmet would have saved the career, but he said he didn't wear a helmet because it made him look like a cone head and he wound up looking like a bonehead instead.

Phil in Northwest Arkansas 04 America, Black, Corbin seat, TORs, no AI, 34K