Rich (name not nature)

60 years old, riding for 40 years.

Ex-computer type person now retired.

Had my America for 3 months now. A deliberate move from the fast adventure bikes (Tiger and GS) I'd been riding for the past 12 years. I'm getting too old for 600 mile days!

The America is light enough and fast enough for me these days with an excellent tank range. Just right for my yearly trip to France and Switzerland where I intend to stay off the motorways as much as I can.

Lived in Essex and the midlands but I've been in Brighton for 35 years and can't imagine living anywhere else. A fantastic and exciting place to live. Decent pubs, restaurants and venues, an independent cinema, the sea, the south downs and London only an hour on the train if I need even more cultural stimulation. The only fly in the ointment is that the roads can often be heavily congested but I try to avoid them anyway.

I used to play in a folk roots band which never quite made it despite good press reviews of gigs and CDs. In the end I had to give it up when the tinnitus got too bad. Now I write and record at home in collaboration with musicians across the world. Ain't the internet wonderful?

