
Tell me what it is about Texas that charms you.

Hmmm, love the land, particularly the Hill Country. There's a lot of places that have bigger mountains, vaster rivers, hotter deserts, greener pine forests, and flatter plains - but here we have it all. I can ride all year long. We count non ride seasons in hours, maybe a day or two.

We have one of the longest continuous beaches in the country, we have rivers, we have fairly large deserts, and we have pine forests. We have a couple of grand canyons (Palo Verde for one). Really huge (and irritating cities), and great food. Our GDP is approximate to France. We have one of the key music capitols in the country (Austin). We have mountains (Mt Guadalupe is over 13K). We have a foreign country on our border, so when we're bored, we can go "abroad." It's real exiting these days. Most of the people in the state are good folks and straight up.

Yep, in the winters its cold (and its a wet cold with high winds). In the summer it's very hot (with high winds also). There's an old saying here, "If it don't stick, sting or bite, it's a rock and will stub your toe." So in places, its still pretty wild. On my place alone, I have whitetail deer, turkey, raccoons, rabbits, hawks, coyotes, rattlers, copperheads, wild pigs, skunks, scorpions, and a trove of spiders (and don't forget the Fire Ants). Scary? Only to the unititiated.

It's offset with some of the most beautiful wild flower displays you'll ever see. Bluebonnets are already up and covering places. Soon indian blankets, wine cups, black-eyed susans, cacti, etc, will be following.

I can go on, but I figure some of you may be rubbin your eyes about now. Did I mention, I ride year round. On some of the twistiest benders you'll come across (and in a very wild setting).

Yep, love my home state. I am a native Texan. I can continue, but I'll let y'all catch up a bit.

Pacific Blue/White 2009 America in the TX Hill Country Not all that glitters is gold. Tolkien. Hmm Must've seen the chrome on my TA coming down the road.