Okay, I'll bite. Let's go stream of consciousness...

1967-1981: California. My parents were living in La Habra when I was born, but my dad's poor directional and driving skills at the time meant I was born in Bellflower, the first hospital he found. Other locations lived: Hawthorne and El Toro (now Lake Forest). Catholic school 1st-3rd grade. Junior All-American Football at 8 years old. Hated it. Cub scouts. Picked up the trombone in 5th grade. Learned most of the more serious profanity in 4th grade at my first public school. Homemade Darth Vader costume also in 5th grade, complete with paper-maché mask. I don't know why I admitted that. Someday I'll scan the picture.

1981-1988: Montana. Serious wakeup call. Culture shock. Even starting out in Billings, the largest city in the state. But clean air, nicer people and much less crime. Delivered newspapers in the snow through junior year of High school. Took computer programming classes and was even a lab aid but it only went so far. Nerdy but not that techy. Trombone continues, marching band, symphonic band, jazz band. Good times. Phone company break up made us choose between Salt Lake (AT&T) and Helena (Mountain Bell). We chose Helena. Finished last year of high school there. Went to MSU to become an architect. Wanted to design houses since 7th grade. Hated it. Switched to Graphic Design. Left for Colorado after 3 years. Gave up the trombone after my sophomore year.

1988-1998: Colorado. Followed my family when dad got transferred to Denver by Ma Bell. Set out immediately on my own and worked for 3 years before I'd had enough and returned to college to finish the degree in Graphic Design (CSU). Didn't really like that "scene" (the graphic design scene, not college) but it was better than working for a living. Thankfully the Internet age was dawning and I could work my way away from those art snobs. It was tough being a fledgling designer in Denver. When a job came up in Helena, I jumped at it. Still had friends there, my brother-from-another-mother that I knew since high school, and mother and grandmother had moved back after mom divorced dad. He eventually moved back to California. God knows why...

1998-present: Montana, Take 2. Helena. Same job, 13 years and counting. Bought a little house in '99. Got dumped by a gal right after 9/11 and the following Spring, still walking wounded, bought my first bike, the 2002 Bonneville America. THAT was love at first sight. There have been a few more women in my life but they all fade away or get booted. The bike stays (like it has a choice). Aside from my immediate family, a few of my closer friends and my bike, this site is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm beyond gratified that I've been able to take an active roll in running it, enhancing it and making sure it stays online for the foreseeable future.

And that just scratches the surface.

So I've now lived in Montana most of my life. It has definitely changed, not always for the better, but it still has a bit of that pioneering spirit and comes nowadays with all the modern conveniences...

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