Native Houstonian, son of two school teachers. Dad actually coached high school football until I was about out of Jr. High, then retired as the ag teacher at LaPort High School. Mom taught 2nd grade.

I have an Ag-Business degree I've never used, and a Real Estate license I never used, either.

I worked for Goodyear Tire out of college (retail stores), got the RE license, dabbled at it for about 6 months, but with mouths to feed, had to get a real job again with steady income. Worked for a large uniform company (G&K Services) for 9 1/2 years - ran a "Super-Route" consisting of really large stops. Was "Route Salesman of the Year" in 1998, out of aprox. 1500 routes in North America, but I knew I couldn't stay on the route the rest of my life (hard on the knees and ankles, among other things), but I would have taken a huge pay cut to get off the route and stay with the company. One of my accounts, Westside Lexus, began building another dealership on the northside of Houston, so I applied for a Service Consultant position early in 1999, and they hired me. Been there ever since. No different than the uniform route, just providing good customer service....making friends, forming relationships....

Though I was raised in Pasadena, Tx, (a suburb of Houston), I never lived in Houston proper until I met my current wife of 10 years. I actually was more of a "county boy" through high school, college, and my early career with Goodyear, but I'm afraid the Big City has taken most all of that out of me...I don't even go camping anymore, and I used to camp out a lot, and have lots of gear. That's life in the Big City.

I'm ready for the country again, though. My three kids are almost all out of college now, and I should be able to back of the hectic lifestyle and slow down a bit then.

I never rode a motorcycle until I bought my Speedmaster. Took the class and bought her without even a test ride. My mind was made up. I knew what I wanted. Never would have happened if this forum did not exist. I would have likely gotten over my itch and never ever got into motorcycling if not for

'04 Speedmaster
AI removed, Pingle, UNI Filter, 1 shim, straight-through slash-cut TORs, Stage 1 DynaJet, 140 mains, 3 turns, 16/42 final drive, 115K
2020 T120 Black