I live in Buckinghamshire England because I can't sell my house at the moment. it's quite a nice place and if we hadn't decided to move to the USA I certainly wouldn't grumble about living here. I like where I work and have some good mates here.

Hopefully soon I'll be living somewhere in the woods in Massachusetts.

The good thing about still being in England is the fact I don't have to dress up like an eskimo at the moment to go outside, I can get decent tea bags at the shops and I don't have to sit and watch hours of advertisments on the tv for medical devices and insurance.

The bad thing about still being in England is I still have no bike after being "renaulted", my wife and furniture are all in the USA and I really don't want to be here anymore.

I'll be honest I'll miss people over here but then again I'll meet new people over there, even if they do speak a tad bit strange and can't spell words like colour, flavour and honour properly.

Before the war on terror, if I saw an unattended package I used to think "I'll be having that!"