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Re: 17 or 18 front sprocket? The_Dog33 07/26/2024 11:48 PM
I can confirm the SM came with a 16 I am not sure of the BA 17 or 18. I lean to the 18 but not 100% sure.
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Re: 17 or 18 front sprocket? mag10 07/26/2024 5:16 PM
I think that the SM came with a 16 t and the America with an 18 t
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Re: Ga Rally '24 lynchphoto 07/26/2024 1:48 AM
How's the knee doing Chy? You able to throw a leg over? I am trying to make it this year.. can't miss the 20th!
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Re: Ga Rally '24 mikemm03 07/25/2024 2:56 PM
Wolf Pen and Russell are always good. Cherohala, I do sometimes take that route on the way down depending on how early a start I get. As you well know its a great ride, however from your starting point and return it ties up most of a day. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great rides. Seeing everyone and hanging is just as enjoyable.

Speaking of those folks you mentioned, I've been poking and reminding them over on the Facebook forums. Along with some others that have never been down.
Lee Griffin ( Tsalagi) said he may come this year. Been a while since we've seen him. Newt will be in Michigan so he's out.
As I mentioned it will be great to see you guys and whoever shows up.
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Re: Ga Rally '24 chy 07/25/2024 10:24 AM
Getting closer isn't it? It will be good to see y'all again. I've been wanting to do the 178 run for awhile and lets do wolf pen gap backwards this time and include Richard Russell, watcha think? Still debating Cherohala but you pretty much make that run when you come down don't you? It would be good if Sneakypete snuck his way down this year too if he can pry himself away from work long enough. Has anybody heard anything out of Englishyank lately? Would be good to see our New Hampshire contingent make another appearance..Rob, are you listening? I miss Wojo too. Does Yota even have a bike anymore? It's okay if you don't, if you're brave enough you can ride the Sportster if you don't mind the vibration and lack of anything resembling a safety feature. Blackwind, Charlie and so many others through the years who once made regular appearances... it's time for a revival!
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Re: sprocket size Two_Wheel_n 07/25/2024 9:04 AM
I believe a 17 tooth is stock. I installed a 16 T one and I picked it up from my local Triumph dealer but if you give Fast Eddie a call ...

I'm sure he will help you out
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17 or 18 front sprocket? jon1214 07/24/2024 7:29 PM
Is the standard front sprocket for the 2006 Triumph America 17 or 18 teeth?
I believe it is the 17?
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sprocket size jon1214 07/24/2024 5:50 PM
I wanted to know what the sprocket tooth size is for my 2006 Triumph America is.
Have any of you purchased an after market chain and front and rear sprockets for the America, where did u order it from?
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Re: Ga Rally '24 mikemm03 07/23/2024 9:08 PM
Reservations booked in Dahlonega Georgia.
See you good folks in September.
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Re: Tachometer for Speedmaster Hermit 07/22/2024 2:21 PM
I bought a Drag Specialties tach soon after I bought my '06 America (in '06). It fit perfectly inside the factory location and has a white face like the speedo. It's been flawless.

Hopefully, they still have the same model available. It was much less than the OEM. I may have even ordered it from - it's been a long time.
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WOW jon1214 07/19/2024 12:01 AM
WOW I picked up the caliper today, however they shipped the wrong brake line.
Brandon at Libby's motorworld in New Haven CT ordered the correct line.
Should be in next week.
Now on to my new motorcycle mechanic, Alex in Bethany CT.
I found out I will have to pay for any mileage over 15 miles as the stipulations from Geico, in my Insurance policy.
So I will be paying for 24 miles.
In the past I payed nothing for the motorcycle to be trowed on a flatbed from Torrington to New Haven.
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Sad news jon1214 07/18/2024 3:48 PM
I'm very sad that my motorcycle mechanic Darin has cancer. He has two tumors in his neck.
One of them is cancerous, he is in his mid 50's.
This is the second time this year I have received bad news abouit people I care about.
5/8/24, my brother David died from a heart attack age 62.
A biopsy was taken with a needle that Darin said was about as big as a straw.
Also unfortunately Daren is going to close up his shop, Redline powersports.
I pray for his health every day.
He has been very good to me with his excellent service, he has done a lot of very good work for me at a reasonable price. Good work at a good price is hard to find today.
Daren already warned me about two motorcycle mechanics to avoid.
I have already found another mechanic to do the work on my motorcycle, Alex
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WOW: The caliper has shipped. jon1214 07/18/2024 3:31 PM
WOW: The caliper I ordered 6/6/24 has shipped, from Triumph in England, should be able to pick it up late next week, from LIbby's motorsport, New Haven CT.
I've been waiting since 6/6/24 when the order was placed.
My motorcycle mechanic has cancer and is closing up his shop Redline Powersports, Winsted CT.
Motorcycle has been in his shop since 6/10/24. I will pick it up tomorrow.
I would love to go for a ride tomorrow but with no rear brake it's not a very good idea. No way I could do a panic stop. A nice ride is not worth dying for, if some pulled out in front of me.
I'm terrified of someone pulling out of their driveway without looking, and wam, over the handle bars I would go, road rash, at least i ware a helmet all the time while riding
Luckily through my wife I was able to get a motorcycle mechanic to replace the current caliper. And he is a lot closer to my home than going all the way to Libbys in New Haven, 46 miles one way. So hopefully maybe next Saturday I could be on the road again. That's a bad way to put it I don't want to be on the road.
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Re: Tachometer for Speedmaster Two_Wheel_n 07/18/2024 9:02 AM
I bought a factory tach for my America way back when my bike was new from my local dealer.

I read where others bought different ones, you got to look around here either in the 'Accessories' or the 'Vault'
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Tachometer for Speedmaster jon1214 07/17/2024 4:39 PM
Have any of you purchased a tachometer for a Speedmaster?
What type did you purchase?
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Re: Quitting Tacacco satxron 07/16/2024 5:02 AM
Smoking never affected my health. Well, except for the heart attack 18 years ago. 36 years of smoking 18 years quit, happy to be free of them. I was a serious nicotine addict. A pack of Marlboro every single day.
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How long is too long to wait for Triumph caliper jon1214 07/15/2024 11:03 PM
I've been waiting since June 6th, then I ordered a rear caliper for my 2006 Triumph America. Still no when the caliper will be delivered. I'm tired of waiting as the summer riding season is ending day by day.
I've been looking in the internet at the possibility of purchasing a used Triumph, I'd like to get a Speedmaster. Not much out there.
I've been in touch with Triumph after sales department, with only response computer generated return emails.
Have any of you purchased a Triumph on the internet?
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Re: Quitting Tacacco roadie 07/09/2024 4:45 AM
I quit about 26 years ago, couple heart attacks and surgeries later, wish I'd never started. A good buddy of 50 years is dying of COPD - rolled his own for years.

You don't want this... Just quit.
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Re: Problem Logging On To Site SMJoe 07/06/2024 5:18 PM
My Iphone now wont allow me in unless I sign a waiver and nor will my buddies computer as this shop they both say lots of boggies that can infect the computer. The library must have some lax antivirus it lets me get on the site. Until my next visit. See Yah.
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Re: Quitting Tacacco SMJoe 07/06/2024 5:01 PM
Wow they sure tax them in your state it helps to pay for the health care costs of smokers. I assume you are talking about a 20 pack (25 packs are more common for us) even here in Ontario they average $12.50 that is $9.16 USD. Like others I gave them up years ago but still enjoy the occasional cigar. Use Nicoret or other gum/patch and start doing more exercise so your lungs wont want anything to do with the smoke. Good luck!
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Re: Quitting Tacacco chy 07/04/2024 7:38 PM
Thats still 14 bucks a pack... I dont see how people afford it. I was smoking two packs of Marlboro a day when I quit, no telling what that costs now.
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Re: Quitting Tacacco slvrsprint 07/04/2024 2:54 PM
Damn! That's a lot of money for a pack a day. That in itself would be my incentive.

They say "One day at a time" but at the beginning, it can come down to one trigger at a time.

Best of luck to you. We did it. You can.
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Re: Quitting Tacacco jon1214 07/04/2024 9:17 AM
Sorry, that's for two packs $28
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Re: Triumph does it in the dirt The_Dog33 07/04/2024 12:19 AM
I just reread my post and it doesn't read the way I meant it. I meant the old Trailblazer 250 dirt bikes were junk not the BA. Those old Triumph dirt bikes tended to lose the crank seal and cook the big end rod bearing. Seems my IQ drops on dirt bike too, fun but painful!
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Re: Quitting Tacacco The_Dog33 07/04/2024 12:11 AM
I quit when a carton was about $8 and 75 cents a pack and you could get them out of a machine almost anywhere. I quit drinking at the same time. Was easy for me just stopped and never started again. That was 38 years ago. Edit after thinking about it they were more like a dollar a pack I think, it was a long time ago!
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Ga Rally '24
by chy - 03/04/2024 1:00 PM
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