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Off-duty Sheriff's Deputy charged in fatal motorcycle crash
A Monroe County Sheriff's Deputy finds himself on the other side of the law after he's accused of driving drunk and killing a motorcyclist.
Police say the collision happened around 10:15 Wednesday night. 27-year-old Peter Volkmuth of Greece died after his motorcycle crashed into the side of the deputy's pickup truck. That deputy is now charged with driving while intoxicated. 44-year-old James Telban has been with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office for 19 years. Police say Telban was off-duty when he drove out of the Braemar Country Club on West Ridge Road in Parma. At the same time, Volkmuth crashed into the side of Telban's truck where he was pronounced dead at the scene. Volkmuth was wearing a helmet. Telban was not injured in the crash. "We've got an individual whose dead and a deputy who definitely made some poor choices in his behavior and obviously justice needs to be served and the individual needs to take responsibility for their actions," said Monroe County Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn.
Telban was arrested, but has since been released. He has been suspended without pay. The District Attorney's office is reviewing the possiblitiy of additional charges. His court date is scheduled for September 26th.
An article I read this morning in the news, ride safe everyone
 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Well, law enforcement officers are people too and are suseptable to poor judgement as well. It is a bigger news story because he is an officer. Sad. This is a trajedy that happens all too often, to say the officer should have known better, yes, but so shouldn't everyone else. I can tell you that it would take a lot of cab rides to equal the monetary costs of a DUI. great reminder of the dangers out there. Definetly ride safe all!
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Nothing makes me madder than a cop doing something he can put others in jail for.
Black & Silver '02
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 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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Drunk driving is an intentional act. I am with you Benny
I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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IT even bugs me when they don't signal when changing lanes 
Black & Silver '02
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IT even bugs me when they don't signal when changing lanes
...and while yapping on a cell phone
Neon Blue '05 SM
Where are the pedals on this thing?
 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Not to tarnish the rep of every law enforcement officer serving us, but I suspect that the incidence of alcoholism and subsequent DUIs could be a bit higher than the average.
When an off-duty officer only has to wave his badge at a fellow LEO who may have stopped him for cause, and then may only receive the following: "Oh, it's YOU, Fred. Okay! Just go straight home, alright?"...and I bet this happens due to the "Thin Blue Line" mentality more than we could imagaine(if there are any LEOs out there reading this, PLEASE tell me I'm wrong....I won't mind)...then THAT'S just plain wrong.
I know the LEOs out there see much more than their fair share of the worst of humanity, and I'd bet that that beer/whisky/whatever helps in taking the "edge" off their pain, but that's STILL no excuse for the above scenario to happen.
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Drunk driving is an intentional act. I am with you Benny
Me too...and when an officer of the law does something like this, it's a breach of public trust and in my mind a more serious offence because of that.
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 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Yea, we get some funny stuff going on up here in NY. Last month the firehouse in one of the local towns burned to the ground. Now that's irony. Funny but sad too. How embarrasing is that when the next town's fire department has to come over to put out your firehouse? Imagine the ribbing these guys are still getting?
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When an off-duty officer only has to wave his badge at a fellow LEO who may have stopped him for cause,
in the 70'& 80's,I used to drive coaches for a coach company in the UK and at the end of a shift, I'd often drop by the Drivers Social Club for a pint before going home. (The 'limit' then was 2 pints). The club was next to the largest Police Station in City. At least half of the guys in there on a given night were cops. Many of them used to come on our drivers social club trips to Hamburg and Amsterdam.
Very often I would get to the bar and one of the mc cops who lived on my route home, would buy me a pint. I assumed at first that it was for the occational ride home I gave him. As I was leaving he would buy me another and ask for a ride home. As I felt a bit threatened having had a couple of beers, I'd agree to wait and end up staying there until 1 a.m and beyond, maybe having another drink in the meantime.
He always said 'don't worry if you get pulled, as long as I'm with you, your OK'. One night I did. as soon as they saw his ID card they pulled me out of the line and waved me past the roadblock.
Another time, I was pulled for speeding but it was one of the guys I knew and he let me off.
Another time, I left early after telling the mc cop that I couldn't wait and needed to get home. He didn't know that I hadn't had a drink. A cop car started following me about a mile into my journey and followed me for a couple of miles. They then pulled me up for a 'spot check'.
It does happen.....
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 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Thanks for the first-hand account, there Brummie.
I used to work with a lady whose husband was an LAPD officer(and once again I emphasize, I'm NOT saying all officers drink to excess) who was contantly being "assisted" by fellow officers with the "badge-wave thing", and who eventually DID cause an accident out on the road.(luckily...nobody seriously hurt)
I know it's older than sin, and in the human nature, BUT I think it's incidents like these "Brother-In-Arms/Free-Pass" things that I think get under the skin of the general population and causes some to question the sincerity and professionalism of many law enforcement organizations.
Cheers, Dwight (sorry...but nothin' will "get me goin'" than people who don't know their limit...whether they're cops or NOT)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Dwight, here is a reply from a LEO. I retired after 27 years with a wide range of assignments to include several years in Internal Affairs. There is courtesy extended as in any profession. In my experience it was for minor infractions that any other violator may have received a warning/butt chewing for vs flagrant violations. I can say that I attended services for more officers killed by impaired drivers than shootouts. I have 0 tolerance for impaired drivers. In my agency an officer covering up a DUI would be fired. This deputy was suspended without pay in this situation. There are proceedings that have to be completed prior to firing an employee and I would guess by the Sheriff's comments that there is no "thin blue line" of sympathy for the actions that caused this death. There are a cross section of the population in every agency and people are scrutinized very closely, but they are human and subject to life's influences. I have met a few people in several occupations that have slipped through the cracks or compromised their public trust, but a vast majority do the right thing day in and day out and are a valued member of their profession and community. A priest abuses a child, I still support religion. A corrupt politician, I still vote. Last comment. If an officer/employee asked for assistance with almost anything, alcohol, family problems etc. They were assisted without question or repercussion. If a problem resulted in a tragedy like this or ??? they became a suspect on the report just like this deputy. The standards and expectations are high and in place.
Keep the faith, ride safe. BobW
It's all good, but it's all make believe
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In a mainly rural county north of Austin, the county sherrif had been to a party and realized he was too drunk to drive so he started walking home, several blocks-probably staggering home is a better term. A city cop nabbed him and threw in city jail. The sherrif had to resign, got a DUI and got hit with a big fine.
I think in the end it was actually politically motivated that he was arrested although this county does have a 'zero tolerance' rule.
2006 America
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 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Hey Red, how can the sherrif get a DUI(Driving Under The Influence) if he was walking?......Angelis
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Bob, Thank you for your reply.
I'm guessing that working I.A. you saw a few officers who had their own ideas about what constituted code violations. But I also don't doubt that the vast majority of your fellow LEOs were respectful of propriety.
As you doubtlessly know, the bane of alcoholism is paramount in almost every problem that our society faces. I guess I should count myself as lucky to never have had a problem with substance abuse. However, when I read of circumstances such as this incident, I forget about this "luck" of mine, and I begin to wonder how some can not only be so(for want of a better word)clueless about their responsibility to others in this world, but also how they can be so negligent to their own health.
Cheers, Dwight ("No thanks, barkeep. Two's my limit. I'm riding/driving tonight. What's the tab?"...........now that ain't so hard to say, is it?!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Dwight, I agree with you. As more education and awareness of issues are available these days, it's even sadder. There is no "ignorance is bliss" to fall back on. Alcohol, prescription drug abuse, etc., let alone "illegal drugs" can affect anyone. The addicted cover up and with effort are "functional" until a situation like this happens and brings to light the true condition. It's just beer, I can hold my alcohol, it was just a couple at the party, I'm not "drunk", etc. are all bull sh#+ flags on the play. Wrecks always happen to someone else, NOT. AGATT
Stay safe, ride hard. BobW
It's all good, but it's all make believe
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Worn Saddle
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On another note, last night was Jane's birthday, that's right I am two days older than her, anyway, we went down to MacGregors - home to 120 taps, and lo and behold. Like most every Friday after work, almost every judge from the county and most the DAs and assistant DAs, were in the back having quite a loud gathering, with people stumbling, yelling and knocking tables and chairs over as they staggered around the room. You could feel the air as everyone else just shook their heads in disbelief at them as they all know who they all are. We then watched as every single one of them got in their cars after many drinks and drove away. And we live in the highest DWI conviction county in the country, or so they advertise this honor. I know several of the local LEOs and they have told me many stories of how these guys are "untouchable" and if they want to keep their jobs, just escort them or look the other way. I just love a double standard.
A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice.
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I bet that sort of double standard varies a lot depending on where and who is "in charge" at the time. But I bet once a precident is set, it is hard to change it. Also, someone help me out, what does LEO mean? thanks 
Black & Silver '02
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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LEO = Law Enforcement Officer
A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice.
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Black & Silver '02
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 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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Hey Red, how can the sherrif get a DUI(Driving Under The Influence) if he was walking?......Angelis
In the UK if you are in posession of vehicle keys in the vicinity of the vehicle while under the influence, then you can be prosecuted as drunk in charge. If you get home, park on your drive and go into the house, the police can still ask you to take a breath test.
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 Re: Watch out! because nobody else does....
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I bet they didn't slam this drunk driver onto the pavement and handcuff him with a knee in his back. There always is a double standard. If the the rolls had been reversed the drunk driver would have been lucky to not get shot.