Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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LONDON (Reuters) - A British motorist who blew up a road safety camera which had caught him speeding was jailed for four months Wednesday, Greater Manchester Police said. Craig Moore, 28, took his revenge on the camera, which had flashed him in the Hyde area of Manchester, in August 2005. Although the camera itself was badly damaged, images of him speeding and returning to destroy the evidence were stored in recording equipment in its unscathed base. Full details at Reuters Although he broke the law by definition, I can't help feeling that he somehow struck a blow for freedom from Big Brother (or Big Tony, as the soon-to-leave PM might be referred to). Siggy
If life wasn't so pointless and absurd, I would take it more seriously.
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
Plain and simple!
I do a lot of travelling and there are many cameras which have been damaged by fire or other physical attacks.
Some cameras have cameras watching them - for just this reason.
We have something like 20% of the worlds CCTV cameras in this country (wonder who counted 'em?!).
Anyone visiting this country where cameras are few and far between or none existant, will be amazed just how many of these bleedin' things we have!
If they're not fixed position ones, we have hundreds of mobile speed cameras which hide round bends, behind signs etc.
Some are local authority operated and are just in it for the revenue.
They have been re-named 'safety cameras' but there is eveidence in some areas that accidents INCREASE because of them.
People concentrate more on looking at their speedo than where they are going.
We also now have a NPRS (number plate recognition system).
This links ALL cctv and even cameras on petrol station forcourts to a central computer which logs where you go at what time.
Many motorway services have a chuffing great sign that tells you that you've been logged, as you're leaving.
It's supposed to try and get people who drive without insurance (it's connected to their 'puters too), road tax and MOT.
Your reg is logged and read within 0.2 seconds and your motoring history is read within 0.5 seconds.
The info is then stored for an undesclosed period of time ... somewhere!!
Give the guy a medal I say!
Last edited by Adey; 09/07/2006 4:04 PM.
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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its not about safety, its about fines and revenue production.
I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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3/4 Throttle
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An article in the Austin newspaper says Austin may start implementing the cameras they have installed on traffic lights to ticket people who run red lights. I am all for anything that would REALLY stop people from running red lights-it's epidemic here. But I fear once cameras are accepted-like toll roads-there will be no stopping them.
2006 America
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 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Redbike,I know what you mean, but it sure would make my job easier......Angelis
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Hero, no doubt about it.
Minnesota used those things for a while, but I believe they have been ruled contrary to the state constitution. The law says tickets must be issued to the driver, not the vehicle. If the camera can't prove the identity of the driver, the ticket cannot be issued. Hurray for the Minnesota courts.
About a year ago I was riding with the GF in her car in Oregon and we got flashed by a camera. She waited for the ticket to come in the mail but it never came. I fantasized for weeks about how to go back and destroy that camera. My favorite idea was a paintball gun filled with balls of epoxy glue.
I hope Big Brother isn't listening. Yeah, right.
I was born a long ways from where I was supposed to be. - Bob Dylan
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
Minnesota used those things for a while, but I believe they have been ruled contrary to the state constitution. The law says tickets must be issued to the driver, not the vehicle. If the camera can't prove the identity of the driver, the ticket cannot be issued.
Some speed cameras face the driver / rider.
Great for bikes with no forward facing reg plate  (Not that I would condone deliberately racing through a camera to set it off while flipping it the bird ... honest I wouldn't ..... ) 
Over here, it used to be that if the owner of a car wasn't driving and didn't disclose who was, a fine wasn't usually issued. (Thinking of fleet cars there). Now though, if the owner says he / she wasn't driving at the time, tough, the owner gets the fine / penalty points on their license.
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Oil Expert
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out here in BC red light cameras work the same ,takes your picture from behind (tax sticker is there) owner gets ticket no matter whos driving . however people have been fighting them in court(successfully)because the amber light in the sequence of lights can be set for different lenths of time ,but even then it costs you, a days pay or use of a days holiday ,which coincidently is about the same as the fine its self ,f#&*ing arseholes
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Absolute hero.
The stuff he used to blow it up was the stuff they use to weld railway track together....gets way too hot way too quickly! Shame it didn't melt the pic storage device...
03 America - Pretty stock - except the TBS wheel... 
06 America - missing, presumed in bits. With it's TBS wheel... 
09 America - It's very blue....
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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Epoxy Glue? In some parts of the country a 30.08 would be a more likely answer to the thing. I really hate the speed trap cameras because they are only there for money. Safety is only an issue for the red light cameras. Here in the Des Moines area traffic signals seem to be advisory in nature only. The cops are waaay too busy giving speeding tickets in areas where the limit is ridiculously low to be bothered catching the idiots running red light. It’s a toss up for me which is worse, Big Brother creeping in or idiots running red lights because the cops are too lazy to stop them.
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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And to think, the insurance companies finance the cities and counties and states to get these new gizmos. Why? To help them get more revenue ( for no cost ), and they in turn can raise rates. There is a neww device to be installed in cop cars that will be a dual camera ( not a great description on my part, sorry ), it is different than the one that films the arrests and stops and all. This one will automatically scan plates and being up the records of said car, thus they can lock in and get those who appear to be repeaters, or have an outstanding violation, or whatever. Again, it will be supported by the insurance companies.
Realize that when someone wants to fight tickets, the insurance companies often compensate for the fight, and even the radar gun companies will join in the fight. Special interests indeed!
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 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Lazlo had a bit on the new camera stuff on XM radio recently.
Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and will never be.----Thomas Jefferson
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Epoxy Glue? In some parts of the country a 30.08 would be a more likely answer to the thing.
You have to consider the context. The camera was in the middle of Portland - a residential area. Granted, a high power rifle would have definitely put the evil device out of commission, but it has definite disadvantages. The boom would attract unwanted attention, and it would be dangerously irresponsible to discharge a rifle in the city. I still like my idea. Sneak up at night in stealthy, black disguise, and quietly plaster the thing with unremovable sticky glop. Just disable the lens and put it out of commission. Quiet, simple and effective. Of course this is all hypothetical, because I would never do anything like this. 
Your rifle comment reminds me of a story. Back in the late 70's, during the 55 mph years, I was driving from Shoshoni, Wyoming to Casper. That road is 100 miles of absolutely nothing but scrubby sagebrush and desolation that only a rattlesnake could love. If you didn't speed you would die of boredom before you got to your destination. I topped a hill and was flagged over by patrolmen standing by two WHP cars sitting on the shoulder of the road. He informed me that I was clocked speeding by an airplane circling high overhead. He pointed to it and I could barely see it in the sky. There were about 5 cars stopped and the cop was flagging down more cars as I waited for my ticket. Bastiges! A couple days later I read in the newspaper that the plane used in the speed trap was shot up by someone with a hunting rifle as the plane was parked for the night at a nearby airport. The article said the WHP would abandon the use of a plane because the loss was too expensive. I remember feeling a sense of satisfaction and thinking that there is nothing like frontier justice.  ...and it wasn't me, if any of you were thinking that.
I was born a long ways from where I was supposed to be. - Bob Dylan
 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Gotta say... Criminal. Imagine a motorist speeding through your neighborhood, kids playing in front yard chase ball into street, hit by motorist driving too fast to brake in time. You would want to string him up right there. Point is this, the cameras are meant to enforce the law that he should have been following... now i am not saying that i don't speed, but when i do it, i am willing to face concequences. This guy is a coward... if he wants to be a hero he can work his way into parliment and change the laws there, but blaming the camera for him breaking the law... what an idiot. All he accomplished was getting himself into more trouble. Nothing changed, camera still there and will be repaired with his and everyone elses tax money. Give it up for higher taxes. Sometimes you just have to take what is coming to you, it is part of being an adult.
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I am in total aggreement with Topher on this. Criminal. he broke the law and decided to break it again to get out of the original crime. Well tough luck pal, you did the deed now you can pay the price.
Whats that expression, If you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
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 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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I agree with the above two. Just cause he got a ticket is no reason to destroy property. Pay up. With that said, I think the stupid cameras are nothing more than money machines and should not be allowed for so many reasons.
A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice.
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3/4 Throttle
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There is a case later this month in the European Court of Human Rights (we don't have a constitution) that may declare these cameras illegal.
When you get 'caught' on one you have to sign a form telling them who the driver was. As it is a criminal offence (speeding) this denies the 'offender' the right to remain silent and forces you to incriminate yourself.
If they make it a civil offence, then they can keep the cameras and fine us for speeding but they can't suspend your licence.
Speed cameras don't catch drunk drivers, dangerouse drivers, uninsured drivers etc etc etc but they do reduce traffic cops who do catch them.
I don't rate the EEC much, (it costs us £59 Billion a year to get shafted by the rest of the member countries) but at least they have a bit of protection form the Human Rights legislation. It was only passed to protect corrupt Euro politicians but seems to be a nice little earner for Tony Blairs wife ( a human rights lawyer).
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 Re: Criminal or local hero? You decide!
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CRIMINAL!!!!!!!! How dare he damage those wonderful friendly yellow boxes. How am I supposed to get home at night now??????????  They always flash and light up the road for me everytime I go past!!!! 
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