So I'm sitting at a stop sign at a T intersection waiting to turn right onto a main aterial. The herd of traffic goes by and there are two stragglers, both big delivery vans a few hundred feet apart coming from my left. The road is a gentle 'S' but has a dip where the vehicles dissapear from view right before they get to the intersection I am sitting at. I let the first truck go by and decide to wait the additional 10 or 15 seconds for the second truck because it is entering the dip and they often change lanes along there getting ready for the next intersection. I've driven this intersection hundreds of times and know what can happen.

Suddenly, the car behind me starts honking. I look over my shoulder and the next thing I know this young woman, cell phone in one hand, is standing next to me hollering at me that I had plenty of time to go before that truck.

I told her to drive her vehicle and I would ride mine.

"I've noticed people around here don't drive very well," she said.

I invited her to move anywhere else in the country or the world, it was her choice but I would make my driving/riding decisions according to my judgement-not hers.

I couldn't beleive it-I've had a driver's license for 40 something years and I've never had someone get out of their car and start berating me(a few one finger salutes). She wasn't in my position and was in no position to see the truck go into the dip. Sure enough it emerged from the dip in the lane I would have been in. If I had gone for it, found a big a** van on my tail, goosed it and hit the sand in the street from construction a half block ahead that I knew was there, I wouldn't be writing this.

And the amazing thing is she did this in Texas where half the people are carrying conceled weapons. I don't-but it makes ME stop and think. People are generally friendly drivers here, they will let you into traffic from a side street and such but Austin is booming and new people are moving in like crazy.

After she has wasted all this time, I turned the corner, and she zooms by me and gets a WHOLE car length ahead at the next stop light.

Maybe I should rethink that concealed weapon thing.

Redbike7 2006 America No amount of skill can overcome gross stupidity. Ask me how I know...never mind, I forgot...