That other post reminded me of a question i've been meaning to ask. The rocket apparently has a throttle that is not linear so that the first bit of travel opens the throttle slower than the remainder of the travel. It has always bothered me that at slow speeds in low gears when going from no throttle to a bit of throttle that theres a jerk you get unless you concentrate to turn it very very slightly and slowly. Not a problem when taking off hard, but when you're in traffic and just want to get from no throttle to a little bit you get that jerk. the rocket's throttle is different in the way i mentioned obviusly since it has so much power it would exaggerate this problem possibly dangerously so. with ours it's not dangerous, but it is irritating to me at least. And i've heard others complain, so i wondered is anyone knows of a setup that would fix this? Not sure how the rocket's throttle accomplishes this task, but i would think someone would make a aftermarket one that would cure this. anyone heard of anything like this or better yet applied one to thier cruiser? I realize you can work the clutch to help with this, but i'd much perfer not to have to do that. Not a huge issue, but i for one would enjoy my bike in traffic a heck of a lot more if this could be remedied.