I did the dumbest thing I have ever done on the America.
I was pulling into BJ's gas pumps I thought the bike was in neutral it was not and I let the clutch out too fast.
The bike lurched and pulled up and I went do like a ton of bricks.
I fractured the sixth rib on the left side of my chest.
This is not the first rib I have fractured this is the 6th rib I fractured.
Two when I had the bike for about three weeks was turning right at a light and while going around the corner gently applied the front brake down I went. Sand!!
The second dump I was going way to fast probably 45 mph, I missed the 25 mph curve, down I went as I missed the curve.
Three fractured ribs.
No riding for at least two weeks then see how I feel.
How many ribs have you broken while dumping the bike?

Last edited by jon1214; 08/29/2024 3:23 PM.