I finally got this bike back together and, on the road, (thanks eddy). Did some fine tuning on the spacer lengths. I ended up 2.5mm shorter than my original design indicated. Actual compression of the isolators is somewhat variable.

I think that the new triple has taken a good part of the buzz out of the handlebar. The rise and pull back is a little more, which is good for my riding position (and back).

It was a lot of work for a feature that many bikes come with from the factory. But this is a hobby, so....

05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter