Jeans, T shirt, no helmet for me, each to their own. I do not advocate less gear if you are not comfortable. It is a big risk a simple fall you can hit your head and it's over. I have been lucky I used to ride with no helmet when I was a kid and it was illegal and crashed a few times riding recklessly with just minor scrapes. flip side my friend ,right in front of me, was riding very slowly and fell. we were hopping a stone row to cross a field and a piece of wire from an electric fence that was no longer used and down on the ground caught in his rear wheel and stopped him dead and he just tipped over. I was waiting for him to get up brush off and continue but when he got up it was obvious he broke his collar bone.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!