Talked to Brendon at Libby's motor-world, New Haven CT. The caliper for my 06 America is due in three weeks for delivery to Libby's. You will not believe the cost $1000,12. Then I also ordered two coils $300.00 Got those just in case the current coils go out so I don't have to wait four weeks for delivery.
Sometimes the bike cuts out to lower rpm and no power, sometimes I have to drop two gears to get the bike going again.
I was reading that the typical motorcycle is good for only 50,000 miles with 1000 being exceptional.
Currently my 2006 America has 142,000. I hope to get 200,000 out of the bike.
But its getting expensive to keep it on the road, bike in shop no fun.
I recently paid the mechanic $450 to replace the brake line that failed again.
It appears the caliper moves when rear brake is applied the brake line is pulled over and over again until it fails.
Today I renewed my membership with the local YMCA.
I did legs today, I usually just do upper body.

Last edited by jon1214; 06/10/2024 3:30 PM.