Did you clean the carbs after it was siting?

I just pulled mine out of storage after sitting for about 3 years. Cleaned the carbs and it was off. I have a procom because my stock CDi went bad. Yesterday I was riding home from work and it just cut out lit someone turned it off. I am going to check a few things but I have a feeling the CDI is bad again.

On yours if the Fire starter is not working send UTP a message they took over the TTP business . I asked them a question and I had a answer in a hour. They will remap for half the price of a new CDI. I would talk with them and see what you can work out. They can also test a CDI as well,

I have a used CDI I was going to have remaped but I think I will order a new on this winter and finally put a cam in my bike.

Life need a little Triumph! 2008 Triumph Speedmaster, Single baffle drag pipes, lots of black powder coatin,K&N pods, AI removed, TBS needles and a procom cdi.