Hi everyone,

I need some help here if someone is able. To make a long story short this is my situation.
Due to having had major back and neck surgery, one planned and one not planned, I haven't been able to ride for quite a while. Prior to each separate surgery I purchased a Pro Com CDI and a Fire Starter CDI. (Long Story) Now that I'm much better I tried them both out and the bike runs like crap with both. The Procom ran good for about a mile on number 6 and that was it. I tried every other number and it won't run right with any other number. I am not a mechanic but prior to trying out the CDI's I noticed my bike was running on one cylinder. I ordered one new ignition coil from eBay for $31 way cheaper than stock and the bike is running on 2 cylinders now. I was wondering if there was someone close to New Castle, Pa that I could send both CDIs and try them on their bike to see if they are defective. I hate to buy another one and that not being the problem. I'd pay you of course. If no one close can do it I'd be willing to send it somewhere else. Thanks in advance.
I almost forgot. I have a 2003 America.

Last edited by 03Rick; 07/08/2023 6:08 PM.