Back home in Knoxvegas. 1179 miles on my run. Left Suches this morning at 7:00am sharp, two miles up the road fog was very thick and continued almost to Morganton. This required a 30 mph crawl. oh well, I pushed through after putting on a third layer. yeah I was cold.
Guys I had a wonderful time. Weather for the rally was awesome. Did I mention I like September.
Great to see my Triumph family again. Chy and Di always such gracious host. Jim good to see ya man, great spaghetti brother.
Wade , the cool cat. Just a fun dude to talk with. Gordon, it had been a bit. Great to see you, sorry you had to cut out early. Met Patrick for the first time, good conversations and fun riding with you.
Bob and Amy, another fun couple I had not seen since Arizona in 2011.
I'll give it a two thumbs up rating