"If there are no dogs in heaven, when I die I want to go where they went."
Will Rogers
I don't know which is worse, watching them die in an accident but at least know they died quickly or watching them age and die slowly untill you have to make the decision to let them go.
My best buddy ever, "Bubba" deteriorated to where he could barely walk and one day he managed to make it down to the little creek out back where he loved to go cool off in the summer. The first time ever he didn't come when I called him. I found him laying there and his tail wagged as I sat down beside him but the look in his eyes was different. I carried his big ole butt back up the hill and the next morning I took him to our vet who told me what I already knew. They gave him the shot and left us alone in the room. He lay there quietly as I stroked him then he raised his head and let out a long howl that sent chills through me like I had never known then laid his head down and died. I fell completely apart and cried like a baby