I am besides myself as it is every time I lose a dog. This is doubly bad because she is the mother of the other dog I still have. We were having a picnic, my daughter and grand kids and I let Lola out because I felt guilty she was inside alone, Tripod was already outside with us. She was so excited and bouncing around from person to person when she saw someone walking up the road and bolted right out into the road with all 4 of us yelling for her to stop and trying to catch her but she was too fast. We all saw it happen and she was killed instantly. That is at least better than suffering. I took her down this morning to creamated. My vet knows how much I love my dogs and when I asked for her to save me a nail clipping with the paw print she clipped several nails and made a little star in the medium next to the print with the clippings and a small ring with some hair. She was only 8 and I had her only 2 years but I am, none the less, devastated like losing a child. The one thing I can say is the time I had with her she wanted for nothing and was extremely happy and loved. She loved being up on the trampoline and having her belly rubbed and sharing my snacks with me at night. She had bacon and the scrambled egg bowl yesterday morning. She was hanging out with me outside all day yesterday when I was working on the motorcycle I got for my grand son. It was a great fun happy day right up until she was hit.