With the 9 Triumphs I've owned since I started riding again in 2007 (after a 20 year hiatus), there were 3 Americas, a Speedy. 3 Tigers, Legend TT & T-Bird1600. At one point between my wife and I we owned six bikes.
I kept coming back to the America, and now, after downsizing, my 2008 America is the only bike. I think it's my favorite.
I also wish there was more participation, but even on the RAT forum, the America section is fading. With the bikes out of production for so long, interest has waned.
Yes, a shame for such a lovely bike!

Last edited by VABird; 04/12/2022 2:23 PM.

The ride may be fun, but in the Great Scheme of things, it really is about the destination! John 3:16