I have several Buck knives (among other makes) and they are great knives. I have a couple Buck switchblade conversions. I have one with an oval button that is a notoriously bad conversion. I didn't know that at the time so I have one. I have a much better conversion with a round button, that is also a 50th anniversary knife. That is a great knife. I like the switch blades for ease of one handed operation while working. I just found that Buck is now making a factory switchblade! It has the same forever warranty as Buck has always had! I bought one today, can't wait for it to get here.
https://www.knifecenter.com/kc_new/store_store.html?usrsearch=buck++auto This knife I bought is $200 from Buck, the 110 with ebony handle. I searched and best price I could find was the one I posted. Other suppliers have it at the same price but then have shipping on top of that. I paid more for both my conversions so I am excited about this knife. I hope it lives up to what I have come to expect from Buck knives. The link I posted has several of the knives available not just the one I bought but I posted that to show the one I got.
Thought I would clarify, the one I bought is the 110 Hunter with the brass bolsters like the other classic Buck and Schrade knives I have. Actuall the classic Schrade I have I was told is worth something because it's rare. That also has been a very good knife.