I think our bikes, the 790 and 865 powered versions, were well priced and then sold to those who could not afford a Harley as well as to those who actually wanted one on it's own. For me it was , 1, still made in England, 2, Still carbed, 3, still air cooled, 4, many of the mods I did to the antiques were already done. I think now the price is too high and hurts sales, that is not to say you are not getting what you pay for. If they are as well built as the 790 and 865 they are well worth what you pay. I think in the US market there are many potential buyers who would buy a sportster over a new Triumph, I am not one but I think that applies to many. I love the looks of the newest offerings, the engines look even more like the old bikes than ever. I hate water cooling, and fuel injection, and one of the worst of all, no kick start. It used to be a matter of pride for me that I knew how to build and tune my antiques so my bikes started on the first kick almost every time. Sometimes when cold it might take 2 or even 3 once in a blue moon. Now they all have girly buttons. Triumph has been smart though, they offer a wide range to apply to most styles of riders not just the cruiser market. I may eventually try and aquire a 1200 but I would never pay what they sell for new. truth of it is I wouldn't even pay what I did for my 04 Speedmaster.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!