I've been looking for another TBA.... as I've previously been droning on about.
Because my requirements are so specific this hasn't been as easy as I'd hoped.
I need the last of the proper ( as opposed to squashed looking) petrol tank models....so round about 2006-8.
It also needs to be well cared for and lowish mileage.
And it also needs to have the later strengthened crankcases for peace of mind.
I've seen some real dogs recently...but got my hopes up with a dealers 07 Speedmaster so took the 200 mile round trip to see it.
Shame...petrol tank and mudguards were a slightly different shade of red...closer inspection revealed scuffs on h/light rim and a curious looking blob of weld at one of the fork ends.
" Has it been shunted then!"
'" Oh no, one careful owner."
" I guess then that one of the other owners wasn't quite so careful."
Oh well, it was a nice ride up to Norfolk ( UK) from Kent on my Thunderbird.
The search continues........

I took the Road Less Travelled. Now where the ****** am I?