Back in November I became, for the first time since I was 22, "dog free". My rescue deaf boxer was "readopted" by my son, just across the field, to "companion" his dog, in 2017, My beloved wife Kathy passed away a few months later. Our old bulldog passed away just before Xmas last year of old age. (In her sleep, laying on her side of the couch) That left only our weiner dog. He was not doing well, with me being gone for work and all alone in the house. So I found him a nice lil old lady to give him to. Hated to do that but I felt that the stress of a new place to live was better than being by himself all day. That was hard. Kathy and I had him from a pup, 9 years ago. So now I'm dog free but I really miss a dog. It especially hits me when I go to a clients home and they have a dog. I won't consider getting another one until my new wife sells her place and we are in my place, full time, later this year. But MAN, I miss having a dog!!!