Originally Posted by MattyMo
Originally Posted by chy
In the upper left corner there is a box that reads "THREAD OPTIONS" next to "Tools" the drop down menu should take you from there.

I have that option when looking at a thread. But that only works for comments in that thread. No such option when I am looking at the forum and would like to "Start" a new thread. When viewing the forum the only button on the upper left side is to "Follow" the forum.

edit: And obviously others do have an option to start a thread as this one, and others, have been started since the upgrade. So once again, I am not just like all the others. Of course that may also be reflected in my having a Triumph and not a top selling brand.

Go to the main forum. Click on the forum you want to start a thread in. You will see a blue button to make a new thread.

I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.