Always, when local, will use E0. Tuesday March 10 I filled a gallon can at $2.19/gallon. Regular E10 was $2.23/gallon. WTF? Did the math and the price was correct. So I filled up the tundra at the same time. And yes, Wednesday morning the price was at $2.89/gal for E0.

Octane (provided by the ethanol) drops out of any and all ethanol fuel. And draws water also. Our Highlander which doesn't get operated much gets E0 exclusively.

So if you are used to running 89 Octane, and use E10 you should go up to 90 octane. see above. Unless you burn through a tank rapidly...

At the BP station with the price snafu, I told a women who just pulled up to a pump abut the cheaper E0. She had not a clue what I was talking about and didn't seem to care about paying 2.33 for E10 89 vs 2.19 for E0 90 octane.

Blowing gravel off rural roads