Update on Chris

Tuesday the ICU Dr. Ali instructed the nurses to remove Chris from the ventilator and remove his sedation medications to access his condition.
When I went in to visit Chris Tuesday evening he was raising his head, arms, and feet. He was answering yes and no questions with his head.
As of yesterday things just keep getting better. He is off the ventilator and breathing on his own. His dexterity is increasing. He cannot talk because of the tracheotomy, but is mouthing words.
The pressure in his head has been stable so they are removing the drain today.
Yesterday after work when I went up to visit Chris his Neurosurgeon Dr. Jackson and told me,"Chris is going to be alright."
He is making great strides every day.

My friends God does answer prayers and we have had a mighty prayer chain and we have been blessed.

God must have a purpose for Chris. We acknowledge that it is his will that will be done. We are thankful knowing Chris will be here to lighten our world.

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