2006 America. Carbed, 790.
I haven't ridden this bike in months (long story), but when I did take it out a couple of weeks ago, I was about 30 miles into a ride and it started missing, popping and generally running bad. I noticed one of the vacuum caps was corroded, so I replaced them all. I was able to make it home, but the problem progressively got much worse. It starts and will rev but starts breaking up, missing and backfiring, then dies. It will restart, but same symptoms. HARD!
I checked the usual culprits this weekend - plugs/wires, battery connections and everything seemed okay. Before I take it to the shop next week, what should I expect and are there better-than-stock aftermarket options that I should hold out for?
I should add that the problems started about 10 minutes after a "spirited" run up through the gears, but while I was just cruising along at 50 mph. It's not fuel related.
Advice from the experts please.