Well it looks like it's going to be a total loss. The one bit of damage I missed seeing is a bent fork stop tab on the frame just below the neck. For all practical purposes it could get heated up and bent back - but of course that's not considered a safe and proper repair so it's a frame replacement. Sending repair costs rocketing waaaay past the value.
I do have to say Progressive is treating me pretty well, and living up to their commercials - the claim agent handling the case, the adjuster, and everybody else I've dealt with are motorcycle riders.
No deductible, they're paying out almost $3k for accessories and gear, and they're going to get a quote from a fancy custom bike builder place on what they would charge to design and complete a similar paint job to mine, and add that to the bike's overall value for what they pay out.
I'm keeping it. Wife wants me to get a brand new bike as a replacement, but I'm also keeping the America as a project. Haven't decided yet if I'm going to do a rebuild with the stock frame or use the motor and electricals in a new chopper/bobber frame but she will live again.