
There’s definitely something to this “spirit” or “entity” stuff. Briefly my personal experience. Circa 1966, southwest Atlanta. In the 5 years of living at 1450 Sylvan road in the Capitol View area there were several entities witnessed by smell and sight by several of my family members inside the huge house built in 1928. People (more than one) entranced, and either entering the house or leaving the house without having any idea where they are, or why. I personally remembering 2 individuals walking into the front room while I was watching Gillian’s Island, their eyes wide and fixed like a zombie or something. They would suddenly come out of the trance and apologize saying this had never happened to them before. My dear Aunt MaryAnn left the house around 11:00 pm, wouldn’t respond to my Mom. The police found her wandering thru Perkerson Park 2 hours later in the same “entranced” condition.
Long Story NOT Short.... (I’m at work bored stiff😳). The final night in the house was a Friday. My Dear Mother wakes me up screaming bloody murder from her room. I hear her scramble to the living room where she is in hysterics. (This really messed me up mentally I would find out later). “Just a bad dream honey, I’m okay, go back to bed”. The next morning at the breakfast table, She snapped saying “She can have this God forsaken hell hole, I’ve got to get out” and took off out the front door, leaving me and my 3 brothers and Dad. She told us later, that she opened her eyes after feeling like she was being suffocated. A woman with no eyes was hovering over her, face to face, and that’s when she screamed and had a nervous breakdown.
History of the house and past residents proved fascinating to me. I researched the house back in 1999, and learned that a 77 year old woman had committed suicide in one of the bathrooms in July of 1961. Once the bathroom was opened up by my Dad ( After being advised by the previous owner NOT to), all hell broke loose. Apparently this opened a “portal” that allowed apparitions to come and go thru a dimension created by her death. I believe it, but don’t understand it....

Yeah yeah, spooky story alright, Mark.

(...but were you a Mary Ann or Ginger guy back then, dude?)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)