I just installed
TTP Stage 1 intake.
TTP Firestarter
TTP Blue flame coils
Removed the AI
Bike already had short TORS, but when I got into the carbs found they still had the original jets.
I installed 128 mains and left the 42 pilots.
I also found that the left carb pilot screw was not even a full turn and the right was out 1 1/4.
I set both at 1.5 and my idle went from 900 rpm to 1100 rpm. Took her for a ride and she screams!!!
I then turned the pilot screws to 2 turns. Nothing different I can really tell from 1.5 so am leaving them there for now. Adjusted the idle back down.
I had never messed with the carbs since I bought the bike. I thought it ran good. I was wrong.
She sounds and performs like a totally different bike.
Triumph Twin Power two thumbs up.

I also got the Safe Start and will install it at my next oil change.
New Bonneville Speedmaster my a$$