Hey guys, that's MY bike! My actual bike! The one pictured on the Corbin add!
I bought my 2002 BA from the original owner. He lives not far from the Corbin headquarters in Hollister, CA. He stated that one day soon after he got the bike he was out on a ride and someone motioned him to pull over, wanted to talk to him. Anyway, the guy was a Corbin employee and they were looking for a BA to build up their seat upgrade. They told him that if he would let them use his bike as the guinnea pig that he could have the development seat for free. Two weeks max.
He agreed and left the bike at Corbin however, the development took far longer than they said. He was kinda ticked off that he didn't have his bike back after 6 weeks had passed.
Anyway, he finally got his bike back and that very seat it on my bike now.
My bike is a celebrity!