OK...so I've finally gotten round to removing the O2 sensors and air injectors....replacing the harness plugs with resistors to fool the ecu.
What I now want to do v soon is get rid of the pesky speed limiter.
But...Triumph dealers can't help ...most didn't even know it had a limiter.
I live in Kent UK and am looking for ideas on who can unmap the limiter....
So I'm pretty sure TTP could help but they're 2.5 hours ride away.
Another option is BSD in Peterborough...but that's 3 hrs from here.
If anyone knows anybody closer, please tell me.... otherwise it's the above options for me.
At present I don't want to do anymore than switch off the limiter until after an upcoming tour.
Thanks for any ideas you might have, folks

I took the Road Less Travelled. Now where the ****** am I?