I installed a set of Progressive fork springs yesterday and did not get a chance to try them out. Needed to get something to my son in Austin today, checked the weather, mid 70s (must suck to live up north) a little windy and off I go. 250 miles later these are my observations;
1. The front end dive when braking is gone.
2. Holds the road much better. Especially while cornering.
3. Wind buffeting and front end wobble is not near as bad. Several trucks blew by me at 80 mph and the bike held the road much better.
4. The buzz I would get in my right hand at cruising speed is almost gone.
5.When I hit a crack or hole in the road I didn't need to hold my mouth open to keep my teeth from shattering.
I don't understand why the factory would put such crappy springs in to start. Highly recommend.