....In the real world on the road there is value to riding a big old comfortable cruiser rolling 65mph at only 2400 rpm all day that looks cool and has outstanding fit, finish, paint and chrome with a dealer in every town to take care of you.
Yep OB, but doesn't this all depend upon what KIND of "real world road" you're talkin' about here?!
I mean sure, I gotta admit whenever I'm passin' one or often a bunch of those H-Ds riders on some TWISTY mountain road around here in northern Arizona while ridin' my BA, I DO occasionally think to myself how "comfortable" those fellas look on their big "cool" lumbering machines, alright.
And of course as I come up on 'em and before passing 'em, I ALSO tend to notice they often wouldn't know the proper line to take through a curvy stretch of road if their lives depended upon it...and if ya THINK about this, one's life CAN "depend" upon knowing such a thing, ya know.
Yep, I can't tell ya how many times I've seen those "comfortable" and "cool" riders takin' an early apex into a turn, and then watch as they "go wide" and wallow over and across the double yellow at even MODERATE speeds. Why, it's almost as if they really don't know how to ride a motorcycle or somethin'?! Well, other than maybe "cruising" down some straight boring road, anyway.
And which of course always seems kind'a strange to me, 'cause as I pass 'em on those twisty roads, they in general appear not ONLY to be very "comfortable" and "cool", but ALSO tend to look about the same age I am and thus MUST have been ridin' motorcycles almost as long as I have.
(...that would be comin' up on 50 years now, btw)
Oh I see, so in your opinion since I ride a Harley Davidson my skills are lacking. You know that someone isn't a capable rider just by the brand of bike they have. So I've been riding all my life and when I rode a Triumph I was a good rider but now because I have a Harley Davidson you would judge me incompetent. Brilliant.
2011 Triumph America (10/2011 to 07/2014)
2012 Harley Davidson 1200C Sportster
2014 Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide