
... but there's something somehow just not quite right with the inability to take a passenger if need be and the extra difficulty of taking anything along.

I think the point is being missed.
It's a cool bike for cool people who go out for a ride with cash in one pocket and ciggies in the other.
That's it.
If space is needed for a pillion (or even the hint of one!) or luggage to carry waterproofs or spare gloves and a bike chain - it's not the bike for you.
Pretty young things will be riding in some sun kissed locale stopping only to refuel and grab a frothyskinnychoccymocha-something-or-other with their equally good looking friends.
More power to their elbow I say

We can't bemoan not having provision for a cup holder and an adequate mounting point for a towbar because one day we might want to take a tasty beverage or fit a trailer.
It is what it is.
Like I said before, a frame mounted man bag for spare earplugs, a mobile and glasses is probably all they'll need. I had one on a Fat Boy and it was ok.

I'm looking forward to seeing one.
