I carried out the following mods on my 2011 Speedmaster this weekend: Removed forks and dumped all oil and fitted Ricor Intiminators, dumped the oil and fitted barnnette green springs (new oil and filter change too!), fitted the TTP Breathe and Tune 1, balanced throttle bodies (they were WAY off, took almost two full turns to sync), replaced the stock beep beep with a FIAMM Freeway Blaster, and prettied the old girl up with a Motone choke knob and oil filler cap.
The difference after putting on the breathe and the tune is amazing. It's everything everyone else has already said, and really takes the joy of riding to new levels. So smooth and ready to go.
The intiminators do a fine job of helping keep the front end planted in bumpy turns, absorb moderate bumps, and generally make for a smoother ride. Brake dive went from almost bottoming out coming to a stop sign, to having about 1/4 of the fork left, even under hard braking. There are still some jarring bumps here and there, and I may play around with cutting down some PVC pipes for less preload. I currently have 35mm of sag when sitting on the bike, which I believe is in spec.
The new horn is astoundingly loud. Love it.
Enjoyed a few of these during the process: