Yeah mon. Sitting here in moody hollow. Java and country ham biscuits. SSS. Well maybe no shave. Getting old. Last night fell asleep before the sun did. Gonna take trip down memory lane today instead of riding up to Asheville. Then again, might just ride up to the BRP at Maggie Valley, stop at an overlook and crack open the journal. Then again, I've got a comfortable rocker overlooking a babbling creek and a bottle of woodford reserve. Na. Gonna go laugh, weep, and reflect somewhere in a state where bathrooms are in contention.

Shoot, looks like Prudence is dressing up as a pack mule and carrying me on a two tank ride. Looking to park her at the pole barn this evening. Can't wait any longer seeing some good friends.


First page...
"Just a short note to say hi to all and to thank you for taking your time to make this project possible. Our group is ever growing larger and spreading all over this country. I hope in a small way this journal brings us all a little closer to one another!!
Jack "

"Friday July 25, 2008. First just wanted to thank everyone that has added to my knowledge and help to make a dream come true as to where my bike is today.

Just glad this passed thru my hands, it's sort of like having a chance to carry the touch.

Will be headed to Mid-Ohio in the morning and to pass this along to Biker (Ed) sort of a great place along the journey.

Phil Mauldin (Popcorn)"

Yep, wiping tears.

Blowing gravel off rural roads