Might not be news to some of you, but...I just found the coolest riding glasses. Here's the thing; I don't need glasses to drive, just to read fine print. I've been buying the cheapo "cheaters" at the local Dollar General for years to help read with. The problem I have is that the Indian has a tiny lil led screen on the dash that gives you info like, odometer, tripmeter and some other stuff. And if I want to look at this, or a map, or the Garmin screen, I have to stop and take off my yellow tint sunglasses and put on my cheaters to read this stuff. But while meandering the aisles at my local big box lumber yard, I came across tinted sunglasses with BUILT IN BIFOCAL LENSES! Now, I can just wear the sunglasses for eye protection like usual, and with just a glance down, I can read the tiny lil information screen,garmin, map, whatever! I LOVE this product. Only $20. eye-toolsreaders.com

Fidelis et Fortis