
I agree on the comfort of the LT.....but having now done 3000 on mine, I can't truly recommend it......its heavy, very heavy....and I find myself in danger of dropping it sometimes at junctions when 2 up.....and I'm 6'2" and healthy.
But worst of all...it rattles....horribly...the pistons have very little skirt to them and mine suffers badly from piston slap.... I suppose they hoped that water cooling would mask the noise...it doesn't.
I'll be back on a TBA as soon as I can sell my Tbird.

Yeah but didn't you know it was heavy before you bought it? Test rides etc. I agree the bird is heavy but I knew that going in. Even my standard 1600 is over 750lbs. vs. the America around 500lbs. I took about a 130 mile ride with a friend on the back last Saturday and I hardly noticed the difference in weight with engine performance and I took a ride with the same friend on my sons TBA and there was a noticeable power loss with two up. Other than complaining about the skinny passenger seat she said she had a great time. I had to go through a muddy dirt road that was pretty rough due to flooding to my friends ranch but other than that there were no control problems. I 've found that heavy cruisers do not like gravel and dirt roads. As far as the rattle you must have got a bad one. I've never had unusual noises or engine problems and they are fixing yours under warranty, right? To me the T-bird is much superior to my America on the interstate w/o losing much handling in the curves. And I was amazed the gas mileage was the same as my TBA. The engine was engineered to get good mileage compared to the R-3. I have had mine for over 5 years with around 23k miles and I would definitely recommend it and would not hesitate to buy another one. But I still have great fondness for the America. You can like more then one bike.

"Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary" Author unknown