Saw them opening night in Tulsa, favorite daughter got off work early in Oklahoma City to come up and join me for the show.....took my son to the Snakes and Arrows and "new" Moving Pictures tour......they are truly awesome and while I'm not Canadian had to have maple syrup on my pancakes to honor...
RUSH is superb and R40 was a great show....

I remimber back in the 70's in school when my buddy Wade came running up holding an 8-track with this white owl on it yelling " Hill, you gotta hear this...I've never heard anything like it !" {yes we were geeks} so off we went to my parked pea-green Ford LTD to skip class in the parking lot to hear this magical tome......until the assistant principal followed the "sound" a few hours later..... well.. it was worth it [back then corporal punishment was the order of the day for transgressing]

Last edited by hill8586; 05/30/2015 6:06 PM.