
I'm gonna have to punt on this rally. I might not even be back from my ride through Canada by the date! If I am, I'll be really broke. (I hope) Still, I will probably be able to ride down Saturday to ride with ya and touch base. My son was also planning on being there, but he is will also just be coming off a vacation to Colorado, so I doubt he will make it.Look at it this way; A half of Richard is better than NO Richard. And, this way, my Indian won't be there to steal all the glory from you palefaces on Fridays ride!

the US dollar is way good against the Canadian dollar now, you should be coming back with more money that you left with!

05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter