Last night I was talking with a neighbor and he asked if I was getting ready to put my bike away for the Winter. Thus far this year he has put almost 2,000 miles on his Harley, a big year for him, and he's about to pull the battery, put fuel stabilizer into the tank, jack it up and cover it until Spring.

I never do any of those things. In fact I'll ride it until there is likely to be ice on the road and I keep it ready for any warm day during the Winter.

How many of you Winterize your bikes for storage and how many don't?

We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.